How to Use MERN Stack: A Complete Guide

MERN development is in-demand among recruiters. It is a 3-tier architectural pattern with front-end, backend, and database tiers, allowing a developer to create visually stunning applications with backend support.

In MERN, JSON data flows smoothly from one end to the other. Plus, it’s easy to maintain and debug, and the developer is expected to know only one programming language and JSON document structure to build something. These value points motivate professionals to join MERN Stack Bootcamp and acquire the necessary skills to become full-stack developer.

MERN Stack Projects For Beginners

Anyone starting with would need relentless practice and dedication to master the stack. Building projects and upgrading them from their original state can give the budding app builders ample practice and help strengthen the portfolio. And full-stack applications are a terrific way to refine your programming capabilities. To make the practice sessions more fun, here are some project ideas.

Here are a few projects ideas:

  • Hospital Management System

This application is designed to manage a hospital’s day-to-day activities, including keeping patient details, booking appointments, storing medicine inventory, etc.

  • Housekeeping services

An automated application where a client can book housekeeping appointments from the service provider.

  • Movie ticket booking

The app would contain dedicated elements for filtering movies, viewing movie descriptions, and booking movie tickets.

MERN, a popular JavaScript stack comprising MongoDB.js, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, is frequently used to build single-page web applications. Here is a guide on how to set up MERN in your system.

Setting Up MERN

Before your Mern Stack Training, you must install the technologies in the stack in your local system. Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Installing Node.js locally

To install Node.js, visit the node.js official website and download the executable file. Once the download is complete, run the executable file to start the installation.

Once is installation is complete, you will be directed to another window to install Visual Studio build tools essential for running node native modules. Press any key to complete the installation. Once the installation is complete, Node.js will be available in your system.

2. Installing React.js

Once Node.js is installed, open the command prompt and type the command node -v. If the installation is successful, the system will prompt you with the application’s version name.

Now open the terminal and type: npm install -g create -react -app

It will install react.js in your system.

3. Installing MongoDB.js locally

Visit the official website of MongoDB to download the installer and run the file to start the installation. It will launch the installation wizard that will guide you through the process. You can choose either Complete or Custom setup type according to preference. The complete setup option will install MongoDB and the MongoDB tools to the default location, while custom setup will give you the freedom to choose where and which executable files are installed.

While the installation is going on, you will be prompted to install MongoDB Compass. It is optional and selected at default. In cases, you do not want to install it, uncheck the box and proceed with the installation.

4. Installing a code editor

To complete the setup, install a code editor of your choice. Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Bluefish, and Atom are a few popular code editors.

Do you want to learn MERN? Join the best coding bootcamp by SynergisticIT now.