MERN Stack, MEAN Stack, or Full Stack- Which technology stack is beneficial to learn?
Gone are the days when people were clueless about the latest trends in technology. Today, young aspirants are far more vigilant & in align with the on-going changes in the IT sector. The most common dilemma that web developers face in the initial stage of their career is to choose the right technology stack. In case, you are also curious to know which technology stack is the best amongst MERN Stack, MEAN Stack, and Full-Stack. Let’s guide you through with an extensive comparison between all three dominant stacks. It will help you decide whether to become a MERN Stack Developer or any other stack developer.
What is the meaning of Stack?
In simple terms, a stack is a collection of programming languages, software products, & technologies. There are three broad categories of a technology stack; MERN Stack, MEAN Stack, and Full-Stack. Let’s understand each of these stacks individually.
Full Stack
Full Stack is self-explanatory as it refers to the complete web app development, including both frontend and backend. Here is a synopsis of career scope, benefits, and skills requisite for a Full Stack developer.
- Career Scope- As per the predictions of U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics, there will be a huge jump in the job openings for Full Stack developers by 2024 with an approximate rise of 135,000 to 853,000 jobs.
- Skills Needed- It is essential to learn top programming languages like Java or Python for becoming a Full Stack developer. Also, one needs to skilled in using frontend technologies, such as APIs, servers, databases, etc.
- Benefits- One can avail several perks when using Full Stack like it is easy to design, upgrade, implement, & switch. It is a preferred choice of startups & mid-scale companies since Full Stack provides a complete solution to any web problem whatsoever.
MERN Stack
MERN Stack is an amalgamation of four key components; MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js. it is similar to Full Stack & covers the entire development from frontend to backend using JavaScript. Here is a brief about the career prospects, skills required & benefits for a MERN Stack developer:
- Career Scope- Due to the simplistic & speedy nature of MERN Stack for application development, many reputed companies are embracing its power to build complex applications. MERN Stack has a promising future so one can expect an increase in the number of enrollments in the MERN Stack Bootcamps.
- Skills Needed- MERN Stack coding eliminates the hassle of learning multiple programming languages as written in JavaScript, it is used for client-side & server-side coding.
- Benefits- MERN Stack coding eliminates the hassle of learning multiple programming languages. As each line of code in MERN is written in JavaScript, which is universally used for client-side & server-side coding.
MEAN Stack
MERN Stack is also a combination of four JavaScript technologies; MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, & Node.js. The only difference between a MERN Stack and MEAN Stack is that the MERN uses React for frontend development while MEAN uses Angular. Following is the job prospects, benefits, skills required for a MEAN Stack developer.
- Career Scope- MEAN Stack as technology is highly in-demand & desirable. Hence, you can avail various lucrative career opportunities, if you procure the needed skills and knowledge of MEAN Stack.
- Skills Needed- A MEAN Stack developer must have a hands-on experience in using MongoDB, Angular.js, Node.js and Express.js. Additionally, he should be able to work with CSS & HTML.
- Benefits- The biggest advantage of using MEAN Stack is that it is a user-friendly technology that streamlines the development of dynamic applications & websites. It is an open-source stack that offers a systematic method of creating rapid prototypes for applications.
In a nutshell, one can say that learning any of these technology stacks can be highly beneficial for your career and personal growth. It solely depends on your career goals to choose from MERN, MEAN or Full Stack. However, it is advisable to go Full Stack as it covers complete development of applications or MERN Stack as it uses React which is a popular JavaScript library used by thousands of businesses.
Sign up with the leading MERN Stack Bootcamps, SynergisticIT to become an adept developer. Master the skill of building potent, scalable, & high-performance applications & enlarge your employment opportunities.
Also, Read This Blog: Mern stack developer: roles, skills, and demand!